Wisdom teeth causing you trouble? Five signs that they need to be extracted by Spa Dental

As we get older, our dental health changes.
As we grow from being a child, we lose our baby teeth and then our adult set begins to emerge.
And then, when we are teenagers, we become puzzled at a dull ache that is forming in the back of our mouths and wonder why we can see the top of a large tooth poking through our gums.
Despite the name, wisdom teeth are rarely wise and can cause havoc. Pressing against surrounding teeth and becoming stuck, it is very rare that someone’s mouth has the room for these extra teeth without an issue occurring. So, as soon as you notice them coming through, you need to book a dental appointment to discuss options.
When you come to Spa Dental for help with wisdom teeth, our dentist in Sydney CBD will assess the likelihood of these teeth being problematic and will advise a treatment plan to either remove them or try to create a bit of extra space without the need for extraction.
But what harm can a set of extra teeth do? Is it really worth extracting them?
Incorrect growth
One of the main problems our dentist in Sydney CBD encounters in patients with erupting wisdom teeth is incorrect growth.
In simple terms, when a regular tooth erupts, it comes up in a straight line. However, when the majority of wisdom teeth erupt, they come through at an odd angle, creating pressure on the surrounding teeth and swellings.
If our dentist in Sydney CBD identifies this issue in your newly erupting wisdom teeth, extraction is the best option.
Erupting teeth are never comfortable, but in relation to wisdom teeth, they can cause swelling to form around the eruption site. Also, as these teeth rarely sit in the mouth correctly, gaps between the tooth and the gums are more prevalent, which can, in turn, lead to a higher incidence of infections. If there is an unrelenting swelling around the site of your wisdom teeth and you are regularly taking painkillers, it is time to come and see us to discuss an extraction.
Eating issues
Of course, with issues such as swelling and incorrect growth, it is obvious that the majority of people who have unremoved wisdom teeth are likely to experience problems with their chewing.
If you notice discomfort in your mouth when you are eating and you have recently had wisdom teeth erupt, it may be time to book an appointment with our team to have them removed.
A tooth erupting at the wrong angle is going to push on to the tooth next to it.
Like a domino effect, this can create an entire set of misalignments, and ruin your once straight smile. As soon as our team identifies a wisdom tooth erupting at an odd angle, we will suggest removal to prevent this from occurring.
While fairly uncommon, cysts can form next to erupting wisdom teeth.
Left unremoved, this recurring problem can destroy the surrounding bone and root structures.
All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.