When to make an emergency appointment with your dentist in Sydney CBD

Normally when you have a problem with your teeth you just pick up the phone, call your local dental practice to see your dentist in Sydney CBD and make an appointment. Generally the waiting period of a few days is acceptable for normal issues, but when a problem is more serious it requires an emergency appointment for immediate help. Our practice will aim to see you on the same day for emergency appointments.
Sadly, some patients are still unsure when to make an emergency appointment with our team and just wait for their biannual check-up to mention any concerns. So with that in mind, here are a few pointers to keep an eye out for that may indicate you need to see our dentist in Sydney CBD straight away.
Damaged teeth
One of the most common causes for an emergency visit is when there are any cracks or damage to teeth. This can be anything from a minor chip to a large chunk or the whole tooth being knocked out, either by accident or some other means, when playing rugby for example.
Should any of your teeth become damaged you should make an appointment right away, as usually the sooner we treat you, the better the prognosis.
Infected gums
If you begin to show signs of infection in your gums such as swelling, inflammation, a seepage or pain around your gums then you need to make an appointment immediately. Regular or persistent infection may be a sign of disease or a more serious health issue that may require a bout of antibiotics or other treatment.
At Spa Dental Sydney CBD our team of highly trained professionals will look to diagnose the source of any infection quickly to get you on the road to recovery, making sure those gums are healthy and pink once again. If you’re not sure what the signs of infection are then just have a chat with our team on your next appointment to learn how to keep your gums healthy.
Sustained toothache or pain
Another sign that you should make an emergency appointment is when you have any sharp or ongoing pain in your teeth. This could be sign of cavities, decay or an infection inside the tooth itself that may require it to be removed or cleaned out in further treatment.
Persistent bleeding
Gums that continue to bleed or are bleeding quite a lot require immediate attention from your dentist. After all, you wouldn’t ignore blood constantly coming out of any other part of your body, so your teeth shouldn’t be any different. A sustained bleed could be a sign of infection or diseases such as gingivitis starting to set in, in which case the sooner we can solve this the better off your teeth will be.
These are just a few signs and symptoms to keep an eye out for that may hint that you require an immediate visit with our team. To make sure your teeth and gums stay healthy make sure to regularly clean them, schedule regular check-ups and if you need advice just chat with our dentists.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.