What is considered a dental emergency, and what should you do when faced with one? How Spa Dental Sydney CBD can help

Experiencing intolerable toothache out-of-the-blue is deeply unpleasant, and can sometimes be to the point where you cannot eat, sleep or think straight because the pain is so unbearable.
When it comes to experiencing pain that does not subside with a painkiller, you should book an urgent appointment with Spa Dental Sydney CBD, explaining to us the severity of your symptoms. If the incident occurs in the middle of the night, do not wait until morning, but visit our emergency room for temporary pain relief.
Why am I in pain?
Your pain could result from an untreated cavity, gum or tooth infection, or could have been caused by a hard impact to the mouth while playing sports.
You might also need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Depending on the shape of your mouth, there might not be enough room to fit your wisdom teeth, resulting in feelings of pressure caused by overcrowding. If your pain stems from an unwelcome tooth, we recommend that you see us to remove it, as otherwise your issues will probably only worsen over time.
Are there painless dental emergencies?
Being in pain is not the only type of dental emergency. Bleeding from the mouth should also be taken seriously.
Loose and knocked out teeth also require urgent medical attention, even if you are not experiencing discomfort. When it comes to losing your natural teeth, time is of the essence to save them.
What isn’t classified as an emergency?
We understand that recognising that there is something wrong with your teeth is a highly stressful ordeal, but it doesn’t always mean that the issue will be regarded as needing immediate treatment by our dentists at Spa Dental Sydney CBD.
For example, a cracked or chipped tooth is only dangerous if the fracture is painful, or has sharp fragments that could potentially cut your tongue and surrounding skin.
Common toothache that is bearable, and not accompanied by swelling or a high fever (which can be symptoms of an abscess), can wait a couple of days and be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication.
What can I do if I cannot be seen by Spa Dental Sydney CBD straight away?
As a practice, we always make time in our schedule for severe dental issues. However, if for some reason we cannot squeeze you in immediately, there are some things you can do to help stop the bleeding or save a tooth.
- For a knocked-out tooth:
Pick the tooth up by the crown-side and not at the root. Clean it with spit and try to reposition it back in your mouth if possible.
If you cannot replace it in the socket, place the tooth in milk, not water. Using water dries out the soft tissue.
See your dentist soon after that, as time is vital when it comes to re-implanting a tooth. The longer you wait, the less likely your tooth will be able to go back in.
- For bleeding:
Placing gauze over the source of bleeding will help to reduce the flow. If you do not have a dressing on hand, tea bags are absorbent and can also work.
Knowing what constitutes dental emergencies could help save your tooth! Act quickly in these situations by making an appointment with us.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.