What is a dental emergency? What to look for from our dentist

When the majority of people think about dental emergencies, they picture late-night rendezvous with a dental team and being in quite a lot of discomfort. If you’ve ever experienced this, and it is your only recollection of a dental emergency, then fair enough. But for many people, their dental emergency may take a slightly different form, making it a bit more complicated to identify and treat. So, when it comes to dental emergencies, it is important to know what to look for.
At Spa Dental Sydney we are exceedingly proud of our emergency dental team, and our dentist Sydney will always make space in their routine every day to see dental patients who have an emergency. This means that when you sign up for our surgery, any dental emergencies that you have will be dealt with quickly and efficiently and you will be able to go about your day as planned without any discomfort under your tooth or teeth.
With that in mind, what are some of the most common dental emergencies that our emergency dentist Sydney sees and what should you be looking out for? Read on to find out.
OK, so starting with the most obvious, if you have persistent and unrelenting discomfort under one of your teeth, this is a sign that you need to see our emergency dentist Sydney. Discomfort to this level can point to anything from a dental infection to an impacted tooth or even a lost filling or crown that will need to be replaced promptly. Even if the discomfort has appeared suddenly, or has been growing over the last few hours or days, if it is keeping you awake or driving you to distraction, you need to see our team as soon as possible.
In a similar vein to abscesses and impacted teeth, dental swelling is something that should not be ignored. It often accompanies issues such as dental infections, impacted teeth or even more serious secondary complications, which will need to be explored as soon as possible by our team. Even if the swelling itself is not hurting when touched, it still needs to be assessed and triaged by our dental team so we can take the right steps to resolve it.
Wobbly teeth
Wobbly teeth can be caused by untreated gum disease or may be due to trauma to the mouth or face. Either way, if you can feel that one of your teeth is wobbling or you can see it moving in a mirror, you will need to see our team as soon as possible. Depending on the condition of the tooth and the surrounding teeth, we may be able to splint it and save the tooth, or it will need to be extracted.
If you have recently had trauma to your mouth or face, then you can expect there to be some dental bleeding. If this occurs for less than 20 minutes and stops, this is not a problem. But if after 20 minutes of applying pressure to the site of the bleed, it is not slowing down, then you will need to see our team to have stitches and assess the underlying cause.
Oral ulcers are usually nothing to worry about. But if you have ulcers in your mouth that are bleeding, are yellow in colour, or are larger than a small coin, then this will need to be explored further by our team.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.