What exactly is a dental abscess? An introduction from our dentist at Spa Dental

We’ve spoken a lot about them at Spa Dental in relation to root canals, tooth extraction and even wisdom teeth issues. Now, it is time to talk about them in detail, abscesses.
If you are lucky, you will never have one, but research indicates that most people will suffer from one at some point in their lifetime. Sometimes it is because of poorly maintained dental hygiene and at other times, it is due to nothing but bad luck.
In this article, we are delving into the world of dental abscesses, what they are, how they are caused and how our team treats them.
At Spa Dental, we see a range of patients suffering from varying degrees of dental abscesses, which are promptly triaged and treated by our dentist Sydney. We will often seek to resolve the problems surrounding discomfort and the spreading of the infection as the first point of action, so you can get back to your day pain-free and happy. Feeling much better than when you came in!
So, what is a dental abscess and what do you as a patient need to know about them? Here is a guide from our dentist Sydney.
What are dental abscesses?
Caused by a bacterial infection, a dental abscess is a collection of pus that can form inside teeth, gums or even in the jawbone. While all of these are unpleasant, due to lack of space, our dentist Sydney believes that an abscess in the jawbone is the most uncomfortable.
They are usually caused due to spacing between the teeth and gum which allows food and bacteria to get under the gum line or can be caused by severe decay.
Sensations to look out for
Spotting a dental abscess is usually quite easy for patients; there is an unremitting pain in the mouth or jaw which is worsened when you put pressure on the tooth or expose the tooth to a hot or cold stimulus.
If you notice a dull pain and feel ill, are feeling or being sick and have a fever, seek medical attention immediately.
Emergency dental care
Once you have been triaged by our reception team, if we suspect a dental abscess, you will need to come in for an emergency appointment.
At this consultation, we will seek to reduce any discomfort that you are in and to control the infection temporarily. This would be until the infection has reduced and we can then perform the necessary procedure.
Treatment options
Our team will typically offer 2 treatment options, based on the condition of the tooth.
If the tooth is in reasonable condition, we will seek to perform a root canal, which removes the infection and restores the tooth via packing. However, if the tooth is badly decayed or broken, we will need to perform an extraction.
To prevent infections, we recommend maintaining good oral health, attending biannual check-ups with our team and reducing sugar intake. If you suspect a dental abscess, contact our team at Spa Dental Sydney immediately.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.