Treating a sore tooth at a dentist in Sydney

Have you got a sore tooth? If so, we are very sorry to hear that, because dealing with pain is never a pleasant experience for anyone and the first step to getting rid of it is determining what’s causing it. At an appointment with your dentist in Sydney, we can better determine why your tooth is aching before prescribing treatment to make it stop. It is always our goal to remove your pain, never to inflict it, so any anxieties you may have about the dentist can be put to bed because chances are you have more pain right now that you will experience in our chair.
Possible causes
Now we never recommend that you self diagnose the cause of your pain, and we especially do not recommend you try to treat it with pain blockers. Medicinal pain medicine – even the natural kind – simply blocks the messages that the brain is sending through your nerves to tell you that there is something wrong. Pain is an indication of a much larger issue, it is never the issue itself but here are some possible explanations of why your tooth might be sore, but it is still best to come in and find out at your dentist in Sydney.
Cavity – Cavities are small holes that form in the protective outer layer of the tooth that expose the live nerves within, which is why you may only feel a shooting pain when you bite down on something as opposed to having a constant dull ache. Filling cavities is a relatively run-of-the-mill treatment for all dentists and will take about 45min to do. We recommend that even when you just start to feel the pain that you come in and get it checked out so that we can fill any cavities before they lead to a larger problem, like an infection.
Tooth infection – When the pulp of your tooth is infected you are going to know all about it, as it will be hurting and likely all the time; you may even experience pain and swelling in the jaw surrounding the infected tooth. It is possible to physically clear out this kind of infection with root canal therapy. This is a tooth-saving procedure that removes all infected pulp and fills the tooth once more before capping it off with a crown. Without this treatment the infected tooth will become decayed, blacked, and fall out and there is also the risk of the infection spreading which is why it is important to not block any pain when it begins but rather visit a dentist in Sydney as soon as possible.
Injury – If you have suffered a facial trauma that has injured a tooth you may feel ongoing pain in that area which needs to be treated as the tooth may be loose or be at risk of getting infected. A tooth that is cracked or broken can cause a great deal of pain and an emergency appointment may even be required to deal with it.
Sensitivity – Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a number of reasons but if you have no holes, infection, or injury there are treatments available that treat sensitive teeth.
Disclaimer: All treatment carries risk. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.