Tooth Whitening from a dentist in Sydney CBD

Tooth whitening is a procedure that almost anyone can benefit from, giving you a confidence boost, as well as providing you with the potential to improve your oral health routine in order to maintain the sparkling white teeth that you have gained.
When we have our teeth professionally cleaned, and for several days after a dental appointment, we tend to be very diligent with our dental routine. Then the novelty tends to wear off. The health of our mouths really is dependent on the frequency of our personal hygiene habits.
At Spa Dental Sydney CBD, our tooth whitening service will help you to overcome your self-conscious feelings about the shade of your teeth or any stains present. By coming to speak with us about your options, we can present you with a treatment plan that will allow you to make a confident, informed decision about whether this treatment is right for you.
What does this treatment entail?
We need to assess your suitability for teeth whitening before we commit to the treatment. This is just to see what kind of staining you have, so that we can give you a realistic expectation of what to expect after the treatment is complete.
This is because results really do vary with this kind of treatment. Some discolouration and stains respond well to the bleaching agent that is used in the whitening treatment and some do not.
It is also possible that you may find your teeth are too sensitive for this procedure to be used to full effectiveness. Do talk with a dentist in Sydney CBD if you do have sensitive teeth or want teeth whitening. We will be able to determine whether this option is suitable for you, potentially trialling the treatment in a test patch, in order not to cause any negative effects.
In order to whiten your teeth, the bleaching agent used is inserted into the custom made tray that fits over your teeth, ensuring full contact with every tooth and avoiding unnecessary contact with gums, skin or potential ingestion.
Treatment can be done at our practice, otherwise you can opt for an ‘at home treatment’ that you can implement at your own leisure. At home treatments are typically slower than those done at the dental practice, but it does mean that they can be carried out overnight and with minimal effects to your daily life.
What are the benefits of this treatment?
Besides the benefits of potentially improving your self-esteem regarding the appearance of your teeth, there are other benefits of this procedure.
By having this treatment administered or otherwise approved by a dentist in Sydney CBD, you know that you are reducing the risk of harming your teeth as opposed to other teeth whitening options available. All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.