Tooth friendly diet advice from our team at Spa Dental Sydney CBD

As we get older, the things we eat can start to take a toll on our teeth, as the natural protective enamel layer begins to erode and cracks and cavities can start to appear. Thankfully, there are things you can do, specifically in your diet, as you get older, to limit the damage and even slow it down to keep your teeth healthy for longer.
That’s why our team at Spa Dental Sydney CBD have come up with a shortlist of things you can change in your diet that will help keep your teeth healthy and strong.
Cut out sugary drinks
Our first and perhaps most important factoid about what you can change in your diet, from our team at Spa Dental Sydney CBD, is that you need to cut down or remove the amount of sugary drinks you work your way through on a daily basis. Soft drinks are filled with acids and sugar that eat away at your enamel layers and are one of the main causes of tooth decay in patients.
Limit your fruit juice intake
Although you can cut out the amount of sugar you get from soft drinks in your diet, you’re still going to be exposed to natural sugars in your food and drinks, such as fruit and even milk. Although your body does need these sugars, they can also damage your teeth just as much as a fizzy drink would, so try to limit your intake to one glass of fruit juice or milk a day.
Quit smoking
Another leading cause of tooth problems is smoking. Not only does it open you up to gum disease and oral (and other) cancers, it also causes yellowing and staining of the teeth, as well as bad breath. Cutting out this habit completely is a great way to keep your gums healthy and your teeth shining bright.
At Spa Dental Sydney CBD, our team will provide you with key information on how to help with quitting smoking as well as the right steps you can take at home.
Cut down on alcohol
Cutting out alcohol, or at least limiting the amount you take in every week, is another way you can help avoid problems with your teeth later in life. This is because alcohol can slowly erode the outside surface of your teeth and this loss of enamel leads to decay which will need to be treated by your dentist.
Introduce yoghurt to your diet
So far, there’s been a lot of cutting things out, so as a change, here’s what you can introduce. Adding no added sugar yoghurt to your diet is a great way to keep your teeth healthy ,as they are high in calcium and protein which can strengthen your teeth. Also the ‘good bacteria’ inside them can benefit your gums and clears out harmful germs that can lead to cavities.
These are just a few things you can change in your diet to help your teeth last a little longer. If you would like to know more about what you can change in your current diet, then ask our team on your next visit.
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