Too young to wear dentures? Spa Dental Sydney CBD has a solution

If you’re adventurous and like the outdoors, you may well have taken a tumble and lost a few teeth. If you have found yourself in this situation and you’re sporting a gappy smile long before you thought you’d be wearing a denture, then don’t dismay. There is a permanent tooth replacement option that is highly discreet and replaces your missing tooth like new. Dental implants in Syndey CBD can save you from a life of wobbly, unsecured dentures. A dental implant can support a crown, a fixed bridge or be used to stabilise dentures. This offers certain advantages to unfixed dentures and here’s why:
No more speech impediments
Let’s face it, being young offers enough opportunities for embarrassment, so adding a potential disaster waiting to happen won’t be on your list of priorities. Modern dentures are incredibly natural looking, being almost impossible to tell the difference from your natural teeth. However, because they are not rooted like your teeth they come with some inbuilt perils. Firstly, bite force is reduced so it’s likely you’ll have to rethink steak and chips. They can also whistle and cause speech issues, especially as you’re adjusting to them. However, the most embarrassing aspect is possible movement, especially if you’re finally kissing your latest crush. With dental implants in Sydney CBD, your restoration can literally be fixed to your jawbone, alleviating all of the issues outlined.
Once your dental implant has been placed during a simple surgery, it will take between 2-6 months to fully heal. During this time your jawbone will grow around the implant, locking it in place and creating a stable post for your crown, bridge or denture to be attached to. When your tooth replacement is fixed, it’s then permanently in place, in the case of crowns and fixed bridges. Full bite force is restored, so you can eat anything you like and your crush will never know the difference when you kiss them. In addition, because they are permanent, you won’t need to remove for cleaning, you just brush and floss as normal.
If you’re interested in dental implants in Sydney CBD, call us today to find out more.
Disclaimer All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.