Tag: dental

INDEPENDENTLY providing the right care for our patients
A recent investigative report conducted by the ABC revealed that dentists working for corporate clinics and health insurers are being incentivised to churn through patients and administer so-called "drill and fill" dentistry, according to industry insiders. Dentistry in Australia is experiencing significant...
Want beautiful straight teeth without braces? – Spring has sprung with Invisalign at Spa Dental
Do you wish you had straighter teeth and keep putting off having them fixed? Well there is good news: a beautiful, straight smile is now easier to achieve than you think! Invisalign is the virtually invisible and hygienic alternative to braces that...
What to do if you lose or break a tooth and tips for prevention
As a child, tooth loss is an exciting time and a chance to meet the tooth fairy. But as an adult, tooth loss can be a traumatising experience. If you find yourself in this situation-don’t panic. The following are a few tips...
Spa Dental, proudly supporting sporting clubs in the local community
Spa Dental, proudly supporting sporting clubs in the local community Dr Sean Parsonage and his associates at Spa Dental have been caring for the people of Ryde, and beyond, of all ages, for over 15 years. With a trusted reputation in the...
Have your chocolate and eat it too
Have your chocolate and eat it too – 6 tips for a cavity free Easter The good news is this: With proper precautions, you can enjoy a few Easter indulgences without damaging your teeth. So, go ahead! You can have your chocolate...
Referral Rewards Card
Hi folks. A reminder that our next Referral Reward prize will is being drawn at the end of November so make sure you are spreading the word...and handing these referral cards to your family and friends. We really appreciate it. Look for...
Fuelling the Greed
Fuelling the Greed Thanks to persuasive advertising and company endorsements from our sports men and women, many people, including children, teenagers, adults, parents and coaches believe that commercially prepared sports drinks are a must. But for the majority of us a well-balanced...