Tag: causes

Snack Attack
For a long time we’ve heard ‘you are what you eat’, a phrase commonly associated with weight management. Funnily enough, the same is true of your teeth. Diet plays a major role in oral health. A healthy and balanced diet (combined with...
Fuelling the Greed
Fuelling the Greed Thanks to persuasive advertising and company endorsements from our sports men and women, many people, including children, teenagers, adults, parents and coaches believe that commercially prepared sports drinks are a must. But for the majority of us a well-balanced...
Sports Gluttony
Gluttony is another word you don’t normally associate with the super-fit and sporty! But certain habits such as snacking and grazing put our teeth at risk! Tooth decay is caused by how frequently we snack and how long you are exposed to...Patient Story – Mandible Advancement/Somnomed
I would like to greatly thank Sean and the Spa Dental team for looking after my dental and general health this year. The mandible advancement/Somnomed device that Sean has fitted for me couldn’t have come at a better time. After 3 days...
Fizzy and Sports Drinks
Most of the soft drinks we sip throughout the day contain a large amount of sugar and all of them contain tooth-eroding acid. Fizzy, sports and energy drinks contain acid that attacks your tooth enamel, (including the sugar-free and ‘zero’ varieties) and...
Tooth-Friendly Foods
Most people think that sweets and lollies are the main foods to blame for tooth decay but bacteria not only use the sugar in sweets to create acid but can also use any food that contains sugars and other carbohydrates. This includes...
Oral Piercing
It’s important to know the facts about tongue and lip piercings so that you can make informed decisions. In the best case scenario, soreness and swelling will be the only symptoms experienced following the piercing procedure, however in some cases, damaged teeth,...
Are you brushing properly?
Most of us are rushing our brushing. Do you know how to do it correctly? In an average lifetime you will spend 38.5 days cleaning your teeth. But how do you know you're doing it right? Seven in 10 Australians admit they...
Causes of oral cancer
You don’t have to be a smoker. You don’t even have to live an unhealthy lifestyle to be at risk of oral cancer. While there are certain lifestyle choices that definitely increase the chance of developing it, there are a number of...