Spa Dental Sydney: whatever you need, we’re here for you

At Spa Dental Sydney, we can provide general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry or restorative dentistry. Whatever you need a dentist Sydney for, our team of professional and experienced dentists are on hand to devise a treatment plan that suits your specific needs. One of the treatments that we pride ourselves on providing is for patients with misaligned teeth called Invisalign. Invisalign is a treatment that is used for mild to moderate alignment issues and is a discreet and convenient way to address this.
How does Invisalign work?
Invisalign consists of plastic aligners that are worn over the teeth and shouldn’t be seen when they are because the plastic is transparent. The aligners apply a small amount of pressure to your teeth to gradually move them into position. Each week, you will need to change to a new aligner, and our dentist Sydney will give you 6 week batches to switch between, before coming in for a checkup and to receive another 6 weeks’ worth of aligners.
Will the aligners be comfortable to wear?
Invisalign aligners should be very comfortable to wear because they are made to measure your mouth precisely. Our dentist Sydney will use iTero technology to digitally scan your mouth and from these measurements the aligners will be manufactured, but also, we can generate an animation of what your teeth will look like after treatment has been completed, before you even get started on it.
Why should I choose Invisalign?
There are many reasons to opt for Invisalign if this is a treatment that is recommended for you. Firstly, aside from the aligners being barely visible when they are being worn and the comfort that they should afford you, another bonus is the fact that they are removable for up to 2 hours a day. This means that you can brush and floss without having to worry about navigating around anything else in your mouth. Also, you will be able to take them out when you are eating and drinking, so you won’t need to adapt your diet in any way. A further benefit of Invisalign is the fact that treatment times could take as little as 6 to 18 months, so you shouldn’t need to wait too long to get a beautiful smile.
Why should I choose Sydney Dental Spa?
At Sydney Dental Spa, we are proud that we are Diamond providers of aligners. Only 1% of dentists get this accolade, so we are one of two dental practices in Sydney who have this award. To achieve this, our dentists have to treat at least 151 Invisalign patients a year. Dr Neville, here at Sydney Spa Dental, is also part of the Invisalign innovation team and trains other dentists in using Invisalign at the practice.
What next?
If you would like to find out about any of our treatments, you will first need to book in for an initial consultation. During this appointment, we will examine your mouth thoroughly and you can discuss your concerns and ask any questions you need about the treatments we then recommend. Together, we can devise a personalised treatment plan that is right for you specifically. We can’t wait to meet you and be here for you, whenever you need us.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.