Signs you may require Invisalign at Spa Dental Sydney CBD

Invisalign is a particular procedure that’s proving to be very popular with patients. Invisalign is a clear plastic brace that can help straighten out your smile with a low impact and easy to manage dental therapy. Unfortunately some patients who could benefit from this particular procedure are missing out, because they’re unaware of the signs that they would be better off with one of these braces (aligners).
So with that in mind, here are a few signs that mean you should consider coming to see us at Spa Dental Sydney CBD to see our team about getting your very own Invisalign clear braces.
Overcrowded or crooked teeth
Although sounding fairly obvious, a lot of patients still have the odd crooked tooth or overcrowded looking area of their teeth that could be remedied with an Invisalign brace from our team at Spa Dental Sydney CBD.
At Spa Dental Sydney CBD our talented team will fit you with your own custom-fitted Invisalign brace, to help provide you with that straightened smile you deserve.
Ongoing issues with digestion
It may sound strange, but if you have regular issues with indigestion the problem could be with your teeth. This is because normally when we eat we’re able to chew our food down into manageable chunks that our bodies can easily digest and break down. However, if there’s a misalignment somewhere those lumps will become larger and will take a lot longer to dissolve. This then causes you to feel bloated and full for longer or experiencing symptoms such as heartburn or acid reflux after meals.
Have a chat to us if you think this may be an issue you have.
Speech impediments
Another sign that you may be better off with a brace is if you have problems saying particular words or phrases, or if there’s a noticeable whistling noise when you talk. This could be caused by misaligned teeth causing your mouth to form clumsily around words, so you then stumble, stutter or whistle.
A realignment with Invisalign may help correct this by straightening out your teeth to make it easier for your mouth and tongue to form words.
Jaw aches or pains
When we chew or bite we exert force on our jaws and teeth. In a normal mouth this pressure is spread evenly, but if you have misaligned areas of teeth that weight is then placed unevenly around your mouth and over time this can lead to feelings of pain, or a dull ache in the muscles.
Invisalign therapy can move your teeth into a straight position, to allow your bite to spread that tension naturally around your teeth. This should then help reduce those feelings of pain, as well as prevent further damage to your teeth that have been grinding together.
These are just a few signs that might indicate you would benefit from Invisalign. To learn more about this procedure or to schedule your own appointment, just get in touch with our team at the practice.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.