Recently found out you’re pregnant? A guide to the importance of dental care during pregnancy

When you find out you are pregnant, the last medical professional you will think of is your dental practitioner.
While it is common knowledge that pregnant women require a specific type of dental treatment, there is often confusion as to why. After all, pregnancy can’t have that much of an impact on your teeth, can it?
Yes, it can! With the surge in hormones and different ways your body will now distribute the nutrients from the food you eat, pregnancy can change many things about your body, including the health of your teeth and gums.
So, when you find out you are pregnant, how long should you wait to book your first check-up? Try to book one for as soon as possible.
At Spa Dental, our dentist in Sydney CBD has helped many women with their dental health through pregnancy, providing them with the best treatment and helping their baby get the best start in life. While you may not encounter any associated issues in your dental health due to pregnancy, it is always better to be safe than sorry!
But what conditions can our dentist in Sydney CBD help you to manage through your pregnancy? Read on to find out!
Pregnancy granulomas
While these are usually benign and will resolve once your baby is born, our dentist in Sydney CBD can help you to reduce the size or even fully remove troublesome pregnancy granulomas.
Visually similar to growths, these occur on the gum line and usually grow to no larger than a pea. However, in some cases, they can become large and create pressure, breathing issues and problems with eating food.
If you are worried you have a granuloma forming, come and see our team as soon as possible.
Acid erosion
While you will have heard about acid erosion on many toothpaste adverts, when you are pregnant, the risk of acid erosion increases dramatically.
Due to morning sickness and pregnancy cravings, acid can accumulate in your mouth and weaken the enamel on your teeth, which can cause tooth decay, cracks or chips to form.
Regular appointments will help our team to spot this and apply fluoride sealants to strengthen your enamel and prevent further damage from occurring. We may also prescribe you a specialised mouthwash and toothpaste, that will neutralise any acid that is present in your mouth.
Pregnancy gingivitis
Well, this is exactly what it says on the tin!
Very common, due to a more sensitive immune system, pregnancy gingivitis can heighten the body’s response to bacteria and plaque, meaning lower levels can trigger swelling and bleeding to occur through the gums.
Once again, our team can prescribe you with a targeted mouthwash and suggest a hygiene regime to manage this problem until your baby is born.
Tooth decay
With 50% of your calcium intake going to your baby and an increase in acid in your mouth, tooth decay is a common occurrence during pregnancy.
Regular check-ups are vital to keeping this under control throughout and after pregnancy.
All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.