Reasons to see our dentist for a check-up

Have you been reminded that you need to attend a dental check-up? Are you already trying to think of ways to get out of it?
At Spa Dental, our dentist Sydney knows the importance of regular dental check-ups and recommends our patients attend them in order to keep their teeth and gums in tip-top shape!
But why should you book yourself in to see our dentist Sydney if you have missed a couple of check-ups? Read on to find out!
Keep your gums healthy
Many patients assume that the leading preventable cause of tooth loss is linked to decay.
In actuality, it is linked to untreated gum disease and so, a key reason to visit our dentist Sydney is to keep your gums healthy.
It also provides our team with the opportunity to show you how to use newer dental equipment which can keep your gums healthy, such as interdental brushes and floss. If you have a history of gum disease, we can discuss this with you too and may be able to offer you a bacteria neutralising mouthwash to prevent a recurrence.
Keep your teeth healthy
Of course, another reason to attend dental check-ups relates to keeping your teeth healthy.
If teeth are left unchecked, they can succumb to tooth decay which, if left untreated, can cause our team to apply a filling, a root canal and in extreme cases, can lead to dental extractions being required. Untreated tooth decay is also a major risk in the formation of abscesses, which can be extremely uncomfortable and dangerous.
Oral cancer screening
When you attend a check-up, our team will also perform oral cancer screening.
This is important, as oral cancer numbers are on the rise and while it can have a very high fatality, it is also one of the easiest cancers to treat if it is caught early.
If you have concerns about a lump, bump, patch of odd skin or recurring ulcers in or around your mouth, then you should contact our team immediately. If you have a newly formed ulcer that is the size of a small coin or larger, then please contact our team for an emergency appointment.
Prevent bad breath
It is a social faux pas, but attending dental check-ups regularly can prevent and reverse bad breath.
As bad breath is usually caused by excess bacteria in the mouth, a lack of saliva or lifestyle choices like smoking, we can help you by offering advice and practical tips on how to reverse these issues.
If you have bad breath caused by gum disease, a cavity or infection, we will seek to treat this, leaving you with fresher smelling, healthier breath.
Whiter smile
If you attend dental check-ups as required, every 6 months, then it is more likely that you have a whiter smile.
This is because our dental team will aim to remove any stubborn plaque or tartar during these appointments, while also offering an in-depth clean of your teeth, resulting in a brighter smile. And, should you want your smile to be even whiter, a dental check-up is the perfect time to enquire with our team about dental whitening or veneers. Great!
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.