Opening doors with a great smile

Everyone knows a great smile is a winning communication tool in a world of quick interactions and first impressions. But what makes a great smile? Is it the confidence behind it or the health of the teeth in it? Obviously as your dentist in Sydney CBD, we are going to say it’s healthy looking teeth, however, doesn’t health promote confidence?
So what makes for a healthy smile and how can we support you to maintain ongoing oral health?
Getting ahead of the curve with routine check-ups
Routine check-up works for that smile in a number of ways. They provide you with the opportunity to ask your dentist about any issues with your oral health or anything you’d like to improve. They give our dentists the time to thoroughly assess your oral health and spot any issues that may be occurring. They build an ongoing dental history so we can truly provide a bespoke service for you.
Regular check-ups at our dentist in Sydney CBD are important for the maintenance of your teeth. With a thorough examination, scale and polish, oral nasties such as tartar build-up can be cleaned away, shielding you from gum infections and tooth decay. We can also see, before you have any pain or other symptoms, if there is dental disease starting to arise. Quick, effective treatment ensures you don’t end up having extensive treatments further down the line.
Offering you the solutions you want
With your oral health maintained in tip-top condition, thus creating a healthy, stable base from which to build, we can then address any cosmetic concerns you may have. We offer a range of cosmetic treatments from teeth whitening through to invisible teeth straightening options.
Teeth whitening can add lustre and create a youthful appearance with one application that could take as little as an hour, while our discreet braces option, Invisalign, straightens your teeth while maintaining your image.
Great service has you smiling all day long
Seeing us regularly ensures you have healthy teeth, with your needs and requirements built into your treatment plans, providing you with a responsive, professional dental service. Visit us today as your dentist in Sydney CBD so you can smile all day long.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.