Lost a tooth? Replace it quickly with a dental implant!

When you lose a tooth, you sometimes don’t realise the true value of what you have lost. You probably remember, when you were very young, you used to get a little coin in your shoe or next to your bed when you left your baby tooth out, for the tooth fairy, mouse or rabbit to collect. It depended on where you were brought up as to which of those three was collecting and delivering! Your adult teeth have a far greater value than a small bit of coinage and your teeth affect so many aspects of your life. Losing a tooth as a result of an accident or because of tooth decay should be viewed in the serious light that it deserves. You should seek dental advice as soon as you can. A bridge or dentures only provide a solution for part of the problem, whereas dental implants Sydney provide more comprehensive benefits.
Why is quick treatment important?
When you lose a tooth as a result of an accident, it may be possible to save that tooth by replacing it. There is unfortunately a very short window to achieve success. When you lose a tooth a reaction occurs in your body. Your body recognises that your tooth has gone and it redirects the nutrients that the living root for that tooth was receiving to an area that requires those nutrients. Your adjacent teeth also want to start to fill the gap that has been left so, over time they start to move, eventually becoming loose. Your jawbone is no longer receiving nutrients to that area so it starts to lose density, this process is called resorption. Evidence of this starts to manifest in your face taking on a sunken appearance in that area. If you have lost a front tooth, your confidence may suffer. If you have lost a rear tooth, your diet may be affected. However, a bridge or dentures do not stimulate your body to start providing nutrients again because they rest on top of your gum.
A complete solution
At Spa Dental Sydney we are fortunate to have a team who have a wealth of experience in dental surgery and who have an impressive record of using dental implants Sydney. An implant does more than provide you with a tooth replacement to fill the gap left by your original tooth. The science behind the procedure and the carefully selected material used mimic the way in which your natural teeth work, thereby addressing all the problems associated with tooth loss.
Dentistry and technology
Dental implants Sydney demonstrate how technology and dentistry have combined resources to produce a solution beneficial to all of mankind. The dentist provides the skill, knowledge and expertise and the technology provides the tools to be able to utilise those skills to deliver precise results for you. The titanium post used to support your new crown will fuse with your jawbone, stimulating the supply of nutrients and provides a solid base. You will be able to brush your teeth as normal and enjoy your favourite meals. Our team will ensure that your new crown is coloured and shaped to perfectly match your existing teeth, making it indistinguishable from them. All in all a result that is cosmetically pleasing and functional at the same time.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.