Looking for a way to refresh your smile? Five FAQs about veneers answered by Spa Dental Sydney

When you have minor gaps in your teeth or have had no success with whitening gels, it can feel very frustrating. While many people can learn to live with some minor discolouration or gapping, if you want a way to boost your confidence instantly, there are many cosmetic dental options available to address these problems.
Of course, you may be worried about things associated with cosmetic dentistry, such as cost, discomfort and effectiveness, and will be seeking the more straightforward and affordable options to restore your smile. Enter the ever popular dental veneer!
Our team at Spa Dental Sydney has helped thousands of patients to restore their smiles using dental veneers and now, we can help you too! A simple and thin covering over the front of your teeth, dental veneers are painless, require no extensive treatments and can conceal gaps and discolouration instantly. And with their long life span, you really have nothing to lose!
But what are some of the most frequently asked questions relating to dental veneers? Our dentist at Spa Dental Sydney has the answers!
What exactly are dental veneers?
Dental veneers are visually similar to a false or acrylic nail and are usually made of porcelain. Used on the front of the teeth, they are placed to improve the shape, colour and alignment of the teeth and are held in position with dental cement.
Due to their composition, they do not stain in the same way as enamel and therefore provide a long-term solution to issues with whitening and dental sensitivity. And, as our dentist at Spa Dental Sydney knows, there are many more benefits of these fittings too!
What can they treat?
As mentioned before, they can be used to treat discoloured teeth, and can conceal minor gaps in between teeth. However, they can also hide cracks in the teeth, chips or help to camouflage teeth that are worn down. If you have receding gums, veneers can also be used to conceal the gaps between the teeth that are left by this, creating a healthier and fuller looking smile to improve confidence.
Are there alternatives?
This depends on the conditions that the veneers are being used to treat.
For larger gaps between teeth, our team may recommend dental implants or even fitted crowns. If you are aiming to treat yellowing of the teeth, we may suggest whitening techniques.
How long does the fitting take?
The fitting itself can take less than an hour, but this depends on how many veneers are being fitted. Prior to this, there may be a wait of up to 10 weeks, which will involve our team needing to establish the shape of your teeth; sending them to a laboratory for the veneers to be created and then waiting for them to be sent back for the fitting.
How long do they last?
With correct dental hygiene and excluding lifestyle choices like smoking or consuming alcohol, dental veneers can last up to 20 years. Remember, you will still have to look after your teeth after the fitting!
All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures and treatments contained in this article.