Live your life to the fullest with the help of dental implants

Here at Spa Dental Sydney, we want our patients to have an enjoyable lifestyle with the freedom to pursue an active work and social life. Thanks to dental implants Sydney and the incredible benefits they hold, you can feel empowered to do just that.
Are your current dentures holding you back in life?
For some patients, their current dentures may be loose or may cause restrictions on the type of food they are able to enjoy. Dental implants may prove to be a suitable dental solution for you, as they grant you the freedom to eat and drink and enjoy your life with less limitations.
For a life-changing treatment, we recommend you consider having dental implants Sydney. Our experienced staff at our practice will ensure you are in great hands as we have years of experience offering dental care to both new and existing patients.
We offer a range of treatment options from single tooth dental implants to complex cases that require multiple implants. Enjoy long-term durability and strength thanks to the Strauman dental implant system used here at our practice.
Restore your ability to speak freely and smile broadly
Having a missing or loose tooth may impact the ability to smile easily and could cause patients to feel self-conscious. We never want our patients to be held back from smiling or laughing and highly recommend considering having dental implants Sydney as a dental solution.
The implants look and feel similar to your original tooth roots and so once the crown, bridge or dentures are fitted on them the results are natural. Not only will they improve the overall appearance of your smile, but will also greatly impact your ability to chew and bite.
Another great advantage is the impact it will have on your ability to communicate and pronounce your words clearly. Did you know that your teeth function alongside your tongue in order to create certain sounds and provide a structure during speech? Dental implants enable you to speak clearly and as a result can improve your self-confidence level during social interactions.
Dental implants look and act like your natural teeth
Not only do dental implants in their entirety mimic teeth in their appearance, but they function in the same way too. This may have a positive impact on various aspects of your life from eating and chewing to speaking and laughing to even just smiling confidently.
If you’re hoping to find a way to replace missing or loose teeth, dental implants offer a discreet natural-looking solution. Thanks to modern advances in dental solutions today, the prostheses attached to the implant can also be colour-matched to blend in with the natural shade of your teeth so they are undetectable.
Dental implants offer a short recovery time following treatment
For those patients that are anxious about undergoing the procedure of having dental implants fitted, fear not as the treatment is performed under local anaesthetic and only requires a short recovery time. The possible side-effects include only minor discomfort which can be easily addressed with the help of over-the-counter painkillers that can be recommended by our dental practitioner.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.