Keeping up appearances

Do you have stained teeth that can’t be whitened with teeth whitening? Maybe you have slightly misaligned teeth or unsightly gaps between them, or have you recently cracked or chipped a tooth? If you have, its likely your dentist in Sydney CBD has recommended veneers as an option. At Spa Dental Sydney CBD we can fit veneers for you, resolving many dental conundrums and giving you a smile to be proud of.
How are veneers fitted?
Veneers are made from extremely fine porcelain sheaths, a little similar to false nails, that sit over your tooth. A small amount of the top layer of your tooth is gently removed and then the veneer is bonded onto the surface. Once in place it creates a strong, long lasting facade that looks very natural.
The veneer itself is custom made by your dentist in Sydney CBD, replicating the colour and shape of your natural teeth. There is no reason why anyone would notice that you have veneers due to their design. You can have a single tooth covered by a veneer up to several teeth, usually only the social 6, which are the main teeth that show when you smile.
Will the process hurt?
No, it won’t hurt although you will feel a small amount of pressure and possible mild discomfort. We will give you a local anaesthetic, which will reduce any likelihood of feeling any pain. Since techniques have improved, the amount of tooth that needs to be removed is nominal and therefore, is less likely to cause any major discomfort.
How long will they last?
Veneers are permanent and require regular cleaning, as do your natural teeth. It’s important to brush and floss as usual and visit us as your dentist in Sydney CBD regularly to have your teeth deep cleaned.
Veneers can offer a relatively quick, long lasting solution to a variety of issues. If you have mildly misaligned teeth or gaps, rather than spending up to 2 years resolving this with braces, you could have veneers fitted, resolving the issue in one afternoon. They also offer solutions for stained teeth that can’t be whitened, so anyone can have white teeth with the help of veneers.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.