Invisalign has worked for others and it could work for you!

Orthodontics has made the perfect smile possible for almost anyone. There are several straightening devices on the market which means that you do not have to settle for traditional metal braces if they are not your first choice.
We like to offer Invisalign to suitable patients who want straight teeth without having to endure a metallic smile and periods of minor discomfort for a year or two.
Invisalign at Spa Dental Sydney CBD is a popular device that is not just aesthetically pleasing, but also highly functional and inobtrusive to wear.
How long have Invisalign and similar appliances been around?
Invisalign is a removable appliance, and removable devices like these have been used in orthodontics, successfully, to deal with dental issues for decades.
Invisalign has been tried, tested and refined, and orthodontists now use 3D computer technology to produce an appliance that is flawless by design and a perfect fit for you.
What are the main differences between conventional braces and invisible braces?
- Appearance and design
Regular straightening aids comprise of a system of wires, metal brackets and elastic bands. These kinds of braces are permanently fixed to your teeth for the duration of treatment. While these conventional methods have received upgrades over the years to make them aesthetically pleasing – including incorporating smaller brackets and using slides rather than ligatures, they are still noticeable to others.
Invisalign or invisible braces are made from transparent plastic and are retainers that can be removed to eat, brush your teeth and play contact sports. If you value discretion, the clear retainers that cover your teeth and gums are almost unnoticeable.
- Method of straightening teeth
The long, thin archwire that loops through the metal brackets in traditional braces continually applies pressure to all of your teeth at once, while the brackets hold everything in place.
With Invisalign or invisible braces, the method of straightening teeth is altogether different. Tailor-made aligner trays are created to fit your mouth using advanced 3D technology. Every two weeks, these aligners are replaced with a new set, which is a slightly different version from the last – this is because only a few teeth are moved at a time
Using Invisalign technology, our orthodontist can predict the series of movements your teeth will undergo, as well as the results in the early days of treatment – this way, we manage people’s expectations and minimise the possibility of disappointment.
Is Invisalign suited to everyone?
In the recent past, Invisalign was restricted to fixing only minor to moderate irregularities, but that has since changed. These days, invisible braces can fix more complex cases. If you are serious about Invisalign, have our orthodontics at Spa Dental Sydney CBD evaluate your teeth.
One concern that people may have about Invisalign, especially parents, is its removable nature. You and your teenage children must possess the self-discipline in order not to misplace it and keep it in for the most part. If Invisalign is not suitable for you, there may be a device that is.
Have you got crooked teeth or teeth that overlap? Straightening your teeth has never been easier with Invisalign and Spa Dental Sydney CBD.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.