Hygienist Corner with Kylie & Jody

Dental HygienistWant to save $50 on your next hygiene appointment??? Of course you do. Well, Kylie is having another baby boy in June and is somewhat stuck for a name for the little fella. So she is wanting suggestions from all of our patients and if she chooses the name you suggested, you will received $50 off of your next clean.
Keep in mind though that she already has a little man called Jack so doesn’t want a name starting with ‘J’. Just phone (02 9809 2900) us or tell us when you’re next in, the name of your choice and stay tuned for the news. Kylie will be back with us in December so we will be sure to fill her shoes with a very capable and gentle hygienist for you all in the meantime, just as we did when we brought Jody on board.
Now, here are some fun facts for you: Did you know that children tend to smile about 400 times a day, adult women approximately 62 times a day and men, well they need a little more cheering up as the average times they smile is only 8 times a day. The first people to use a toothbrush were the Hindus of India in 4000BC, they used the end of a twig but hey, they tried. It wasn’t until 1857 that the toothbrush as we know it was invented …and the bristles were pig hair!