How you can get a bright smile with teeth whitening in Sydney CBD

If you want a beauty-spa experience at the dentist, then you can find a cosmetic dental treatment that is right for you and we will make it happen. Gone are the days when the only reason that you would visit a dentist is for routine care and if you have a problem with your teeth. It’s now possible to move beyond maintenance and into an area where there are procedures that can enhance the beauty of your smile. At Spa Dental Sydney CBD, we know how important your smile is. That’s why we have plenty of treatments that support both the health and appearance of your smile.
One of the treatments that we are offering to more and more patients is teeth whitening in Sydney CBD. If you want to see what we can achieve with your smile, you can look at some of the pictures on our website. You will see that we can whiten the shade of someone’s teeth by several shades.
During the process of teeth whitening in Sydney CBD, you will be taken care of by our team who will explain each step to you, so you can relax and let the treatment take care of everything. The first step is an assessment to check that your teeth are healthy and relatively free from plaque and tartar. If they are not, you may need to have some preparatory work. It is best to have your teeth polished before you have a teeth whitening. This is so that the agent can work directly on your teeth without plaque getting in the way.
With teeth whitening in Sydney CBD, you get custom-made trays to hold the whitening gel. This personalised equipment means that the product is held snugly against your teeth, which reduces the chances of leakage. We can administer the treatment in less than a couple of hours at our clinic.
If you prefer, you can choose at-home whitening. Many of our patients like to do this so that they can use their equipment again in the future to top up their treatment. In this way, it is possible to experience the life benefits of teeth whitening in Sydney CBD for a long-time after the initial treatment.