How we help with bruxism at Spa Dental Sydney CBD

One particular dental problem that sometimes goes undetected and unresolved for a lot of our patients are cases of bruxism. This particular disorder is hard to detect and if left untreated can cause all sorts of oral woes further down the line.
Here’s how we can help you with bruxism at Spa Dental Sydney CBD.
What exactly is bruxism?
For those not familiar with it, bruxism is essentially a disorder whereby you excessively clench your jaw muscles together whilst also grinding and scraping your teeth together either consciously or while you’re asleep. It’s a fairly common problem and it can be easily treated by our team at Spa Dental Sydney CBD.
What causes it?
As we mentioned previously, this is a fairly common disorder and anyone could be diagnosed. It’s mostly prevalent in those that work in high stress environments as clenching their jaws or teeth grinding becomes a coping mechanism for the stress.
At Spa Dental Sydney CBD our team of professionals will diagnose your problem rapidly, informing you on how to reduce and manage your symptoms whilst we provide a solution to your ongoing bruxism problem.
Are there symptoms of bruxism?
If you’re concerned that you may fall into this category then don’t worry, the signs are fairly easy to spot.
Usually the most prominent signs are when you have any teeth that have become worn or flattened around the top. This is normally prevalent in those located towards the back of the mouth, as most people tend to clench the rear of their jaws when they’re stressed.
Another symptom to keep an eye out for is if you experience a regular aching feeling or any popping and crackling noises in the joint of your jaw when you talk or chew. Ear ache and cracks in your teeth can also be another sign that you may have this disorder.
If you’re experiencing any of these then get in touch with our team at the practice right away.
How we treat bruxism
One of the trickiest things about bruxism is that because it’s mainly related to stress, the treatment of it will vary from person to person as we react to stressful situations differently.
Normally our team will discuss your various options and these could be anything from a course of therapy to deal with anxiety, meditation and yoga classes to further medication provided by your GP. You could even be referred for professional therapy depending on your individual case.
We may also recommend various lifestyle and dietary changes to help reduce the feelings of stress. This could be in the form of cutting down on caffeine, quitting smoking and drinking or starting an exercise programme.
Hopefully this has helped clear up a few things about bruxism and how we can help diagnose and treat the disorder. If you’re concerned you may be suffering from this or would like to learn a few coping mechanisms to help reduce symptoms, then just get in touch with our team at the practice.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.