Healthy teeth for the whole family with our dentist

It is important that you visit our dentist Sydney on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth are clean and healthy and that you are free of tooth decay and gum disease. Most people assume that if their teeth do not hurt, or there are no marks on their teeth then they do not have cavities or tooth decay, but it is important to remember that these issues can be asymptomatic to begin with. Tooth decay may not cause any toothache and cavities can often hide between your teeth so they cannot be seen, this means that it is important that you visit our dentist Sydney with your family at least once every 6 months for a full assessment of your dental health. Cavities are prevalent in young children and by visiting our dentist Sydney together you can enjoy good dental health for all the family.
Fluoride for healthy teeth
Fluoride is very important for preventing tooth decay. Fluoride makes the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque, bacteria and sugar in the mouth. It can also be used to reverse the early signs of decay. If you visit our dentist at Spa Dental Sydney on a regular basis then they can apply a fluoride varnish to the teeth, especially for young children, to help protect the teeth. Sometimes our dentist may recommend that you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and before you rinse your mouth you can floss between your teeth to help get fluoride between your teeth too. Rinsing your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash can also help against cavities and tooth decay. This is particularly beneficial at bedtime, allowing fluoride to sit on your teeth whilst you sleep.
Root canal treatments
A root canal procedure is an excellent way of removing decay from a tooth. You will be given an anaesthetic to prevent any pain or discomfort. If you suffer from dental anxiety or a dental phobia then our expert team will be available to put your nerves at ease. We can offer you different levels of sedation where necessary. Your dental health and wellbeing is our greatest concern and we will make sure that we carry out the procedure with the highest levels of dental care.
A small hole will be drilled to open the tooth and access the soft tissue at the centre of the tooth. Any infected pulp will be removed and the newly formed canal will be widened so that it can be sealed and filled to prevent re-infection. Root canal treatments have a high success rate and with good dental hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, the tooth should last for a good many years.
Sometimes you may need a crown to restore the tooth after a root canal treatment to prevent a fracture and further damage to the tooth. A crown can help restore the structural integrity of the tooth which at the same time will help restore the appearance and function of the tooth. The sooner the tooth is fitted with a crown the less chance there is of further complications in the future. Speak to us at Spa Dental Sydney today to find out about porcelain crowns for a healthy and beautiful smile after tooth decay.
Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.