Have you been trying to find out if clear braces exist?

If you are amongst the people who want to straighten their teeth, but do not fancy wearing a fixed appliance for, potentially, two years, then it’s time to speak to one of our practitioners at Spa Dental Sydney. We offer alternative straightening treatments that are discreet, removable and potentially work more quickly, making undergoing treatment seem much more appealing. If you have front teeth that are crooked or uneven, we recommend that you book a consultation appointment to discuss getting clear braces Sydney. This treatment is suited to people who have minor misalignment issues and want to straighten their front teeth that are visible when they smile, however we do offer treatments for those people who are suffering from major misalignment issues as well. Your practitioner will be able to tell you if you are suitable for this teeth straightening treatment at your consultation appointment. If you wish to book an appointment now you can contact our practice over the phone or go online and use our website to arrange a time that is suitable to you.
Removable, clear and efficient
As soon as you have had a consultation appointment with one of our practitioners you will realise the benefits of having clear braces Sydney. For starters they are incredibly difficult to spot. They are made of a thin, clear plastic, so this means that unless you tell people that you are undergoing treatment they may not even notice that you are wearing an appliance. Instead of being permanently fixed to your teeth they are removable as well, making brushing your teeth and eating extremely easy. You will not need to worry about getting food stuck in your appliance or ending up with stained teeth due to a build-up of plaque where it is difficult to brush, because your appliance is fixed to your teeth either. However, if you want your treatment to be as efficient as possible it is important that you wear your appliance for at least twenty-two hours of the day. This treatment is also exceedingly efficient. Instead of having to wear an appliance for twenty-four months or more, you can straighten your smile in as little as six months, making treatment time considerably shorter and great for if you have an important event coming up later in the year such as a wedding.
The technology behind your future smile
When you make the decision to get clear braces Sydney you will be overjoyed to find out that you will not have to endure having a messy bite impression taken, but instead have to simply sit still whilst a computer takes a scan of your teeth and mouth. This scan is what forms the basis of your treatment, as it will produce a series of images that predict how your teeth will need to move to become straight and even. In each image your teeth will be gradually moving closer to their final positions, but how many images you have will depend on the severity of your individual circumstances. These images are then sent away and it is from these that your aligners are then created.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.