Give your smile a makeover at Spa Dental Sydney CBD

As we get older our teeth can start to fade and lose their shine and you may begin to feel self-conscious about showing off that smile in public. At Spa Dental Sydney CBD our highly trained team of dental professionals can help you restore that smile of yours with a range of helpful treatments and techniques to keep your gums and teeth healthy.
Here are a few of the many treatments we have available at Spa Dental Sydney CBD for our patients.
If you’re worried about having crooked teeth or a crowded gumline, then one of the first treatments our team at Spa Dental Sydney CBD may recommend is Invisalign. Invisalign is a clear, almost invisible, removable brace which uses a gentle amount of force to straighten out any crooked or overcrowded looking teeth, to make your teeth look straighter.
Depending on the case involved, it can also be used to help reduce speech problems or as a corrective method to help ease chronic jaw pain that may be caused by an uneven bite.
Dental implants
Another particular treatment our team may offer you, to help restore your smile, could be our dental implants. These are small screws inserted into the jawbone topped with crowns of ceramic or porcelain that we shape to look like your remaining teeth, with the purpose of replacing cracked and damaged teeth or filling in gaps.
The implant crowns are custom moulded and they’re shaded in such a way that they naturally blend in with their neighbours, so the new repair job is incredibly difficult to spot.
Over time our diet can have an impact on our teeth and how they look as we age. Things like coffee, wine and cigarettes can lead to yellowing or staining of the teeth occurring and when this happens we may recommend a tooth whitening session for you.
We also offer home kits, which involves using a customised bleaching kit that we make at the practice for you that can also be used at home if you don’t have a lot of free time. The goal of bleaching is to slowly brighten the natural shade of your teeth and reduce the effects of staining.
Using porcelain and ceramic caps (in theory, a bit like false fingernails) we are able to cover up any damage and restore the original shape to your teeth, whilst also strengthening them to protect them against further scrapes. The covers are all custom moulded and shaded to match the surrounding teeth, so your repair job will be near invisible once you leave the practice.
These are just a few of the various cosmetic treatments we have available at our practice to help you restore that smile. If you would like further information about any of the procedures mentioned above, then just get in touch with our team at the practice for a quick chat.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.