Get a good night’s sleep thanks to the dentist in Sydney CBD

At the dentist in Sydney CBD, you probably wouldn’t expect to get help for sleeping conditions. However, here at Spa Dental Sydney CBD, one of the additional services we offer is snoring and sleep apnoea treatment.
While snoring may be the punchline for many a sitcom joke, if it’s your partner doing the snoring, it’s no fun for you. More seriously, sleep apnoea can block the airways, so the person actually stops breathing. This can last for a few seconds or a few minutes. And while the brain does wake to reinstate breathing, those with untreated sleep apnoea are at risk of developing other diseases and it can leave them feeling very tired during the day.
Our dentist in Sydney CBD can measure you for a device that keeps your airways open, removing the risks and meaning both you and your partner can get a good night’s sleep.
How does it work?
Our dentist in Sydney CBD takes impressions of your teeth to create a bespoke mouth piece. They send this information away to a lab, so the technicians can create your custom mouth piece. This is made from rigid, long-lasting plastic that can take the rough and tumble of jaw movement during sleep.
You pop this mouth piece in at bed time and it holds the lower jaw and tongue forwards as you sleep. This keeps your airway open, creating more space at the back of the throat, making it easier for you to breathe. This cuts down on the snoring, and means those with sleep apnoea are protected.
Another device used in the treatment of sleep apnoea is a continuous positive airway pressure device, which supplies a continuous stream of compressed air through a mask as you sleep.
Deep rest
While you may not realise it, if you snore heavily or have sleep apnoea, it affects the quality of your sleep. Using this type of device means you will experience a deeper rest and feel more refreshed in the morning.
What price a good night’s sleep? Any new parent can tell you that. The benefits of feeling rested when you wake are numerous, including energy, vitality and positive mood, leaving you ready to take on the day.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.