General dentistry at Spa Dental Sydney

Your oral health is our top priority at Spa Dental Sydney and while we always aim to give you the best healthy smile we can, your concerns and desires are at the forefront of our initial investigation into your dental health. Having someone really listen to you will help put you at ease and help us to give you the treatment you really need based on your personal lifestyle and wishes for the way forward. When it comes to general dentistry there are a range of treatments that can help you, depending on what it is you are looking for, from simple maintenance and cleaning to more serious treatments like fillings and root canal – our experienced and highly trained staff are here to help you.
Maintenance treatments
At Spa Dental Sydney we understand how important it is for you to maintain a healthy smile and we offer a range of treatments that can help with this.
Bi-annual checkup – In order to keep an eye on things for you we encourage you to see one of our dentists at least twice a year for a check-up on your teeth and gums. A lot can happen in 6 months and with foods and beverages being as processed and refined as they are today, all that acidity and sugar can be detrimental to your teeth so it is important that we keep an eye on things for you with regular examinations.
Hygiene appointments – Regular appointments with a hygienist can almost ensure that you will have very few problems with your teeth throughout your life. Our highly trained hygienists are able to scale and polish your teeth as well as remove plaque buildup that your toothbrush fails to reach, like just underneath the gums. Above getting a nice deep clean, hygienists will apply decay reducing agents to your teeth in order to help them stay strong between appointments and they are the ones that will whiten your teeth should you so wish for that kind of service.
Restorative treatments
While regular checkups and hygiene appointments are encouraged, we understand that sometimes life gets in the way and you may put your dental health on the back seat for a while, but before you know it, a year or more has gone by and now you are suddenly in urgent need of the dentist to sort out a nagging pain for you. This is something we do every day:
Fillings and root canal – Pain in a tooth is never a good thing and you should make an appointment as soon as possible if you feel pain. In the case of cavities we can give you fillings to help save the tooth and if the problem is further along, like in the case of having an infection in the pulp of the tooth, we will provide you with a root canal treatment to save it.
Broken teeth – Accidents can happen, no matter how well you take care of your teeth and a broken tooth can be the cause of much discomfort and embarrassment. With a wide range of methods, we at Spa Dental Sydney will take care of your broken tooth, no matter how it came to be that way.
Disclaimer: All treatments carry risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion to ensure that this treatment is right for you.