Fixed and stable replacement teeth

Lost teeth can be replaced by several different methods. You’ll probably be familiar with dentures and bridges, secured using clips and adhesives. Dental implants in Sydney CBD will give you stable replacement teeth that remain secure inside your mouth for as long as you look after them. These new teeth restore full oral function and are easy to care for, so you can enjoy biting into all your favourite foods again.

Preparing to have dental implants in Sydney CBD

At your initial consultation with Spa Dental Sydney CBD, we’ll thoroughly assess your oral health and discuss the ways in which you could benefit from this treatment. You’ll need to have a sufficiently dense jawbone and a reasonably healthy mouth before we can get started on the implant procedure. A little preliminary treatment might be required.

We’ll take some detailed 3D dental images and produce a precise treatment plan. Then there’s some minor surgery, during which you’ll have small metal posts, resembling tiny screws, placed into your jawbone. After some time spent healing, you can then come back to us to have your customised new teeth securely attached to the implanted posts.

A significant improvement

The process of having dental implants in Sydney CBD can provide several dental benefits, including:

  • a secure attachment between the jawbone and the implants, so the new teeth are strongly anchored and you can chew food without worrying your teeth will fall out
  • saying goodbye to the need for cumbersome clips or messy adhesives to keep your new teeth in place
  • a natural appearance so no-one can tell you have fake teeth
  • a facial appearance that won’t suffer from jawbone deterioration and a sunken-cheeked look common in denture wearers, as dental implants encourage new bone growth around them.

Long-term positivity

Your dental implants in Sydney CBD are made to last for decades, as long as you take good care of them. Their functionality and longevity can be a huge factor in promoting good dental health in the long term. They can replace any number of teeth lost for any reason, from sporting injuries to dental disease.