FAQs for our emergency dentist answered


Are you having dental pain? Or have your gums started bleeding since you became pregnant?

Do you have some general queries about dental emergencies?

At Spa Dental, we are proud of our emergency dentist Sydney and will always aim to get our emergency patients feeling better as soon as they leave their same-day appointment!

Here, our emergency dentist Sydney answers some of the most common questions we receive about emergency dental care for your information.

What is a dental emergency?

In the realm of dental emergencies, there are a few things that will require urgent dental care.

A key one that our dentist Sydney sees often is unrelenting discomfort; this can be caused by an abscess, a lost filling or even an impacted tooth.

In the same area, lost fillings and lost crowns (or loose ones) are also considered a dental emergency. If you have a swelling in your mouth that has come on either suddenly or gradually, you should also seek emergency treatment before it impacts your ability to breathe and eat. And, while many people would not consider it an emergency, if you have a chipped or cracked tooth, this also requires urgent treatment.

Are all dental emergencies uncomfortable?

Not always, but many of the most serious ones are.

As mentioned before, if you have an abscess, missing filling or a cracked tooth, it will probably be uncomfortable and the discomfort alone will prompt you to book an appointment!

However, if the tooth that has lost a filling or crown also has a root canal, then it is unlikely to cause discomfort, but should still be treated as a dental emergency. Why? Because teeth that have sharp edges are more likely to attract plaque and bacteria, and this is often the case with prepared teeth that have fillings and crowns, which can lead to a higher incidence of decay. So, if it’s broken or you think it’s broken, we can fix it!

Will you be able to treat the underlying problem?

This depends heavily on what the underlying issue is.

If you have lost a filling, then we may be able to replace it, provided there are no associated issues such as an abscess or further damage to the tooth.

But if you have an abscess, we will probably aim to resolve the discomfort and prescribe antibiotics to prevent the localised infection from turning to sepsis. This is management and you will need to attend a dental appointment a few days later once the infection has settled, to have the tooth either removed or to have a root canal.

Irrespective of the issue, our team at Spa Dental will always aim to resolve the discomfort you are experiencing and help you get back on track!

Will you need to take my medical history?

This is tough to answer and depends heavily on the presenting issue; if you have a bleed that won’t stop and are taking blood-thinning medication, then this will impact how we treat the problem.

But our team will always ask about any medication you are taking at the beginning of the appointment to help us make the right move concerning treatment. If your dental issues have started since taking medication, or undergoing a life event (such as becoming pregnant or giving birth) then this information will also be helpful to us to provide the correct treatment.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.