FAQs about Invisalign Sydney answered by Spa Dental


In years gone by, if you were an adult who had misaligned teeth, there was only really one option for you and that was to wear a highly visible fitted metal brace. Although this has changed to some extent, with the introduction of lingual braces, which are fitted but are done so to the back of the teeth making them more discreet.

But for many their dental misalignment is minor or moderate and so dental teams and researchers have devised a way to create a more subtle avenue for dental patients to get their teeth straightened and this has paved the way for invisible aligners.

At Spa Dental Sydney, our team has been working with Invisalign Sydney, or invisible aligners, for many years now and is always happy to meet with adult or teenage patients who want to get a straighter smile without the inconvenience of metal braces. We know all there is to know about the aligner and can advise you, not only on your suitability, but on the requirements to wear the aligner and aftercare as well.

But it’s likely that before you begin treatment you will have some questions about Invisalign Sydney and in this very short article, our team aims to answer 5 of the common FAQs that we receive about this invisible aligner.

How do the aligners work?

Invisalign Sydney works using predetermined vector points. When you visit our team for your initial consultation, if you are indeed suitable for this aligner, we will take an intraoral scan of your mouth. This will then be uploaded into computer software to determine the easiest way to move your teeth into the desired position. These are known as vector points and will then be used to create a 3D model of an aligner which can move your teeth in this way.

Who is suitable to wear them?

The majority of people who have a misalignment at the front of their mouth are suitable to wear invisible aligners and you may be surprised to learn that as many as 97% of the adult population who have a misaligned set of teeth can indeed wear invisible aligners. Teenagers can also wear them but they are not currently available to children.

How long will it take for them to straighten my teeth?

It will take invisible aligners around 3 to 6 months to straighten your teeth, but this may vary depending on the complexity of your dental misalignment, and whether or not you adhere to our team’s instructions on wearing the aligners and replacing the aligners if they go missing.

Can I take them out as and when I want to?

You can take the aligners out when you want to, however, our team only recommends that you take them out when you are eating food, drinking a beverage that is not cold water or brushing your teeth. Remember you need to keep them in for 22 hours a day for them to work and if you don’t, your teeth may revert to their former positions or the realignment process may slow.

Are the aligners expensive?

In a word, no. Many people assume that invisible aligners will be expensive because they are newer, but actually compared to fitted metal braces they are usually cheaper, because they work quicker and require fewer dental appointments.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.