Ever heard of all-on-4 dental implants? A guide to this denture stabilisation procedure

When you have lost all of your teeth through age, illness or injury, you may feel that having a set of dentures made is the only option to restore both your smile and your mouth’s functionality.
But, unfortunately, dentures are known to move frequently, even when properly fitted and can fall out unpredictably. While you could spend a small fortune trying to find the right dental adhesive to hold them in place, there is a way that you can ensure that they will never move or cause issues with speech again.
How do we do this? With an all-on-4 implant fitting!
At Spa Dental Sydney, our dentists have helped many patients who have dentures to hold them permanently in place with the use of dental implants in Sydney. Rather than having a different implant for every tooth, this option uses 4 implants to hold your dentures firmly in place. Simple, affordable and cosmetically appealing, this is an option for anyone who is fed up with denture sores. Great!
But is the process for having all-on-4 dental implants in Sydney the same as a regular implant fitting? Read on for our brief guide.
During your consultation with our team, we will assess the condition of your gums and take an X-ray of your jaw.
If there are any issues with your gums caused by ill-fitting dentures, such as ulcers or sores, these will need to be treated before the implants are fitted to prevent the spread of bacteria into the jaw.
The X-ray is performed so we can assess whether you have enough jawbone to hold the 4 dental implants in Sydney. If you don’t, we may suggest creating a bone graft to ensure there is adequate bone to support the implants.
Creating the dentures
While it may seem as simple as drilling holes into your pre-existing dentures to make room for the implants, it is a bit more complicated than that.
Our team will need to take impressions of your gums and your current dentures, to create a suitable denture which is adaptable with implants. This stage can take many weeks to complete, so patience is a virtue here!
The fitting
The big day!
Using our pre-planned placement of the implants, our team will ensure that the required areas in your mouth are numbed, and will begin placing the implants.
Physically resembling small screws, the implants will be fitted to your jaws towards the back or middle of your mouth. This will involve some surgical incisions but don’t worry! Our team are experts, and once placed, we will gently sew up the gums with stitches and will advise you on how to look after your new oral additions.
Denture fitting!
The fusing of the implants to the jaws can take up to 6 months. During that time, our team will need to see you to ensure that the areas are healing and fusing correctly.
If all goes to plan, your new, stable dentures can be fitted to the implants in under an hour. All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.