Dental Implants at a dentist in Sydney

A solution to fixed and permanent teeth you can rely on can be found with dental implants at a dentist in Sydney. We can restore a single tooth or a full set of teeth with a reliable oral surgery that can bring back your confidence and ensure your oral health for years to come. Dental implants can replace ill-fitting dentures or support a bridge of teeth to fill a gap. The restoration of your teeth has many health benefits and you can enjoy life to the fullest once more if you don’t have to worry about your teeth falling out or dealing with unsightly and bothersome gaps.
The jaw bone
Other than the obvious problems of not being able to bite or chew due to missing teeth, there is a bigger underlying issue and risk that you face if you simply replace teeth with dentures. Once a tooth is removed from the jaw bone it can no longer provide the much-needed support that the bone needs to grow and attach to. This is the only bone in your body that is able to change its structure and when it no longer has a tooth to cling to, it will begin to dissolve. This bone loss becomes a problem as it will make your face look sunken and aged as it no longer has its original structure beneath it.
Why are implants the solution?
Dental implants at a Dentist in Sydney can once again offer the bone something to fuse with, thus encouraging it to grow once more. Because the implants are made of titanium this bone growing process is just about ensured as human bone works very well with this material and it is almost never rejected.
Before implant surgery
If you have suffered a certain amount of bone loss due to missing teeth then it could make it impossible for a dentist to perform the implant surgery, however, all is not lost; it is possible to do a bone graft in the area that requires implants in order to bolster the remaining bone and encourage it to grow thus making it the right mass once more to perform the surgery.
Surgery and healing
The implant surgery will take place over a few hours depending on how many implants need to be inserted; one implant will suffice for 1 or 2 teeth if they are next to each other and only 4 implants are needed for a full set of teeth. Once the surgery is complete you will be sent home with a temporary set of dentures to wait for the implant areas to heal and for the bone to mesh with the titanium. Once this has happened a permanent set of false teeth can be attached to the now secure implant. The whole process can take about 6 months if no bone grafting is required and about a year if bone graft surgery is in fact needed.
Once you have had an initial consultation and some X-rays, your dentist in Sydney will be able to prescribe the right course of treatment for you regarding implants so that you stand to benefit the most from the outcome for a very long time.
Disclaimer: All treatments carry risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion to ensure that this treatment is right for you.