Adjusting dental positions

Invisalign in Sydney CBD is a method of repositioning the teeth using low-visibility aligners. At Spa Dental Sydney CBD, we use Invisalign to treat a range of dental misalignments. If your teeth are mildly or moderately misaligned, Invisalign in Sydney CBD could be a suitable method of bringing them into more appropriate positions.
Looking after yourself
One of Invisalign’s most attractive features is its ability to remain discreet. Since it’s made of transparent plastic, Invisalign in Sydney CBD won’t make the visual impact associated with more traditional braces, made of metal. Invisalign is also comfortable. The aligners are lightweight and customised to fit your own dental shape. There are no attachments involved, either. You simply place them over your teeth and carry on with your day.
Invisalign in Sydney CBD doesn’t only adjust the appearance of your teeth. It changes their positions. You therefore might find that tooth-brushing is more effective afterwards, since the bristles of your brush don’t have to navigate any awkward spaces.
Acquiring Invisalign in Sydney CBD
When you book yourself into our practice for a consultation, we’ll take a look at your dental situation and assess your suitability. If Invisalign is right for you and you want to go ahead, we’ll take some computerised images of your teeth. A dental laboratory uses these images to create a series of transparent plastic aligners, especially for you.
While treatment is in progress, you wear a pair of aligners for around 7-10 days, before exchanging this pair for the next one in the series. The subtly different shape of each subsequent pair of aligners means your teeth are gently pressured into their new positions. While treatment is ongoing, you can carry on brushing your teeth and eating your meals without any hassle. You can remove the aligners from your mouth whenever it’s necessary to do so.
When your Invisalign in Sydney CBD comes to an end, you might need to wear a retainer, which ensures your teeth stay in their new positions. This innovative technology is available now, and you can contact us today to discuss what it could do for you.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.