Addressing tooth loss with dental implants

It is important that you visit our dentist here at Spa Dental Sydney on a regular basis throughout your life to prevent dental health complications. Our dentist recommends that you undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and gums at least once every six months. If you are prone to dental health complications or you have a genetic predisposition to dental health issues then you need to visit our dentist more often. It is also important that if you fall into a certain risk category that you visit our hygienist on a more regular basis. This is to prevent plaque and tartar from developing on your teeth and can help reduce the chance of developing cavities, tooth decay and gum disease.
If you avoid visiting our dentist then there is an increased chance of developing dental health complications such as tooth decay and gum disease. Our dentist here at Spa Dental Sydney can detect signs of such diseases earlier on so that they can be treated quickly and successfully and you can enjoy healthy teeth and gums. If you do not visit our dentist then these issues will progress and eventually cause irreversible damage. Irreversible damage means that you could lose your teeth. Either the teeth will become wobbly and fall out of their own accord or you will face pain and discomfort which forces you to visit us and we may have to carry out a tooth extraction. If this is the case then rest assured there are solutions for you.
Here at our practice we offer an excellent range of restorative dental treatment. Restorative dental treatment involves replacing your missing teeth so that you can restore the appearance, feel and function of your mouth and get on with your normal life once more.
Dental implants for tooth loss
You may find that tooth loss brings your life to a standstill. It can affect all aspects of your life and it can have a negative impact on your dental health, your overall health and your general wellbeing. Tooth loss can also cause further dental complications and even result in more missing teeth. This means you need to address the issues sooner rather than later. Here at Spa Dental Sydney we are very pleased to be able to offer you dental implants Sydney as an excellent method of replacing your missing teeth. Dental implants Sydney are small medical grade titanium screws that replace the roots of your missing teeth. They allow you to restore your missing teeth with a beautiful crown or a set of partial or full dentures which allow you to smile happily once more.
Dental implants Sydney are a permanent solution to tooth replacement. They are strong and fixed into your mouth, designed to last for the rest of your life. With oral implants you are able to eat and enjoy all your favourite foods once more, you are able to maintain good dental hygiene once again and you can smile happily and proudly show off your renewed dentition to the rest of the world.
Speak to us at Spa Dental Sydney today. You can find out if dental implants are the best option for you or if you require a different form of restorative treatment. We will help decide which is best for you and restore your smile very soon.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.