A guide to our dental implants Sydney

You may be wondering why we offer dental implants Sydney, and how everything works, and that is what we will explain here for you. To start, it is important to know what this treatment helps with and that is restoring missing teeth. It can be uncomfortable and painful when you have missing teeth, as well as potentially knocking your self-confidence. That is why we take pride in delivering this treatment, as it can help to restore our patients’ smiles.
What are they?
Our dental implants Sydney are made up of two main parts, the implant post and the crown. The implant post is the part that will be hidden in your jaw, and this will be a strong foundation for the crown to be attached to. A crown is a piece of porcelain that is custom-made to look like your other teeth, and this is the part of the implant that people can see.
The process
When you decide that you want to get dental implants Sydney, we will first make sure to have an in-depth consultation appointment with you. This is a very important step in the whole process, and will influence all of the future steps taken.
During this consultation meeting, we will discuss your needs and whether implants are right for you. We will give you all of the important information you need to know, such as the benefits of them and how everything will work. After this, we will examine your mouth to get a good look at your teeth, which helps us to see where you want the implant and what condition your teeth are in.
To further our understanding of your teeth and jaw, we will also take scans such as X-rays to get a deeper look at the bone structure in your mouth. This is done so that we can ensure you are eligible for the treatment, and we can use the scans to plan the insertion of the implant.
The implant appointment
Once we have had the consultation with you and you are ready to go ahead, we can book your first surgical appointment. During this appointment, we will insert the implant post into your jaw in the problem area. This is done by opening up the gum in the area to expose the bone, inserting the implant, and closing it back up. Once this is done, we will wait for usually around 3-6 months to allow for your bone to fuse to the implant post. This is a very important step as it creates a very strong and sturdy base for your crown to be attached to. If we didn’t wait for the fusing to happen, then your implant could become loose from the forces of biting and chewing. Due to this, we will leave plenty of time before we attach the crown, so that the implant can be as durable as possible and last longer.
Attaching the crown
Once your implant post has successfully fused to your bone you can come back in to get the crown attached. This is when you will really see the difference that this treatment can make. Your crown will be custom-made to look like your other teeth as closely as possible, as well as acting like them in terms of durability.
Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.